another year, and the state of ruined state(s)

Hard to believe it is June already, and with this spell of lovely warm weather we’ve been having, it feels like we are full on into summer, even though it is still technically spring.

The new season also marks the passing of the 4th winter endured by Robert Andrade’s Ruined State(s), the site-specific sculpture created in the front yard of station923. Andrade created the work in August 2010, just as he was completing the MFA program at Cornell. The piece consists of five square concrete panels, each imprinted with a section of a map of ancient Rome.


The intention, in part, was for the piece to crack and become ruins. We were hedging our bets last year that this would be the year the sculpture would be riven from foliage pushing up from beneath. Nope. Each panel is still intact, and while more weeds have sprung up from in between the panels, the overall structure is solid as ever, with no sign of any new cracking. The piece is certainly settling into the surrounding landscape in a more noticeable manner than previous years.


Rumor has it the artist will be passing through Ithaca this weekend. We hope he’ll be able to drop by to see for himself how his work has weathered the years.



About station923

Located in Ithaca, NY, Project Space 923 is an alternative exhibition space committed to the uncompromising presentation of contemporary art. Our goal is to offer a platform for innovative and audience-engaging forms of practice in a community with few such venues, as well as to involve the contemporary art dialogue on a regional, national and global level. View all posts by station923

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